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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Liebster Award!

I, or my Blog for that matter was nominated for the Liebster Award! What is it you might ask? Well I'm new to the "Blog Scene" so as you can imagine, I had no idea this award even existed.

The Liebster is given to blogs that have less than 200 followers. This fun chain style letter allows bloggers to connect with each other, discover new blogs to follow and gives us all a way to show our support for what we each bring to the table.
There is of course certain criteria that must be met in order for a blogger to be able to share this award and nominate other bloggers. 

The rules are simple:

1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, then create 11 new questions for bloggers you pass the award to
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) and pass the award (and link) to them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them about the award
5. No tag backs

So here I go! 

11 Random Facts:
1. I am only 24 years old
2. I have a beautiful 7 month old named Collin
3. My husband and I got married after only being together a year and a half (we just knew!)
4. I went to school to study nursing
5. I loooove anything, and everything crafty
6. I'm a big Nerd!
7. I love hosting dinner parties
8. I have a dog named Baxter (he's our other son)
9. I'm obsessed with shoes and keep them in their boxes
10. Baseball is my favorite sport
11. I have lived in 4 States: Arizona, California, Maine, & Florida

The questions from my nominee:

If money was not a factor, what would you be doing with your life?
I would be doing exactly what I am now: taking care of my family. (I just might have a few more items for my craft room)
What is the furthest you have been? Where? and Why?

    I traveled to Europe one year for Oktoberfest. So much fun and great to see new cultures. 

    What is your favorite dessert? Recipe Link up?

    My favorite hands down would be "Peanut Buttercup Cookies" I think because I've eaten them since I was a child. 

    What do you spend your spare time doing?

    CRAFT, CRAFT, CRAFT (When I'm not taking care of Collin of course)

    Who is your favorite singer?

    If I had to pick just one I would say SADE! I love her voice

    Can you sew? If so, what is your most favorite sewn creation?

    I do sew, I own a great machine, but she hasn't been out in a while. My favorite would have to be the quilt I made in high school. It was the first time I ever touched a sewing machine and I fell in love with it.

    Do you cook from scratch?

    I do! I love family recipes, I'd rather make a home cooked meal then go out any day.

    What is your favorite season of the year?

    SUMMER! Hands down, I love the beach, the warmth of the sun, and BBQs

    If you could leave behind one inspiring comment or action what would it be?

    "Craft on!" even if you feel you think you lack the ability to make something great, art has no guidelines and is in the eye of the beholder. There is beauty in everything.

    Can you dance? What is your favorite style of dance to do?

    I think I can dance (though some may not agree) I would love to learn how to Swing, one day I WILL make my husband take lessons with me.

    What has been your most favorite post so far? 
Each time I create a post I fall in love, and become inspired to continue.

I don't currently follow any blogs, as I've only been on scene for a short while, but I fully intend to start looking for some good reads and will update my post once that time comes!

Craft on!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Getting the Hang of this Blog Thing

Hello all! I'm so excited I'm starting to get the hang of this whole blogging thing! I learned how to do this.....

Pretty cool huh?! I also wanted to share these with you!

Aren't they cute?! Just in time for Valentines Day! That special day is only a week away do you know what you're getting your significant other? My husband keeps dropping hints as to what he wants (some tire kit thing for his Jeep) but I've already got it in the works to get him (really us) a nice gazebo for the backyard. 

I think it will be nice sitting under this on the patio with a glass of wine by the fire (very romantic) annnnnd Summer will be here before we know it! My son's Birthday is in July and we have family coming that I'm sure won't want to get eaten alive by BUGS! (it comes with protective netting) THERE! I've justified it to my readers; think it will work on him? (I sure hope so)

Hope everyone is having a great week! (you're half way there, hang on!)

until next time, Craft on!
and as always.....

*use coupon code: CHESHIRE15 for 15% off your order, exclusive to my bloggers! (see reading pays off) =D